Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Mills Memorial Hospital, Terrace, BC

Day 11 – July 30, 1996 Terrace, BC

The hospital Mills Memorial Hospital is a 39 bed hospital. Lynne was diagnosed with a severe bladder infection and perhaps an appendix or kidney problem. The doctor advised us stay in town for at least 24 hours or hopefully three days. He said to stop the antibiotic she was taking and gave us prescription for another antibiotic. We filled the prescription and she took the first dose this morning. Finding a campground was very,very difficult since this is a three day weekend in British Columbia. After driving around for the afternoon and seeing Full or No Vacancy signs we saw a sign for drag races Sunday and Monday at the airport. We went to the airport thinking racers would be camping on Saturday night and sure enough they were. We are now camped at the Terrance BC airport (internet via our hot spot) with other motor homes and trailers, probably all racers. Lynne is sleeping now (6:12PM). Hopefully she will be felling better when she awakes. If the problem gets any worse we will go back to ER.

Days 12 – 14 -  July 31, 2016 thru August 3, 2016 Terrance, BC

Lynne’s medical problems continued. We went back ER on Monday, one day before we were suppose to since Lynne’s condition was worsening. They examined her and drew blood.  It was determined that the infection had spread to the kidneys and the doctor changed her antibiotic to an IV type super antibiotic and asked her to return every 24 hours for another dose. She had fever and chills and was sleeping many hours. Since the drag races and local holiday were over we were able to find a campground about 10 minutes from Mills Memorial Hospital. After the third day she started developing signs of pneumonia. This puzzled the third doctor since the IV antibiotic was also used to cure pneumonia. He then prescribed yet another two antibiotics, one for the kidney and one for the pneumonia. This makes a total of five antibiotics and seven needle sticks in the past five days.  The hospital is not large enough to handle all the patients. She had an ER room once, GYN once,  room with no bed once and was seen twice in the lobby. She never saw the same doctor twice.

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